Join Us! The PTA relies on volunteers to make Mountain Gap a great school! Your contributions through memberships,the Battle of the Bears fundraiser, candy and prize donations for trunk or treat and other holiday events are greatly appreciated by the students and staff. We also need the generous contribution of time. It doesn't require a lot of time, but little bits here and there help TREMENDOUSLY. For example you can volunteer for Duty Free Lunch (starts September 8), help spruce up the grounds, or give ideas or time for social events. If you 'd like a slightly more involved task, we are looking for committee members for the following positions:
Spirit Wear Elementary Social Events Spirit Nights Reflections Corporate Sponsors Please contact [email protected] if you are interested in future volunteer opportunities, or fill out a volunteer form and drop it off at the Welcome Center or a PTA event. We would love help with any of our PTA-run activities!